Post-Surgery Photos and Videos

This is a page for post-surgery photos and videos.

6-28-12 Day of Surgery:
This is Brida about 1 hour after surgery:

She doesn't look as bad as we were expecting.  The inflammation is definitely noticeable, but not as bad as some other kids we saw.  She has a the following lines in place:

  • Two PICC lines to monitor pressure and can be used for IV
  • Breathing tube
  • Chest drain
  • Foley catheter
  • Two Pace leads (in case an arrhythmia develops)
  • An IV line in her left hand
  • An IV line in her left foot
  • An IV line in her umbilical
  • EKG leads
This is all the supporting equipment:

This equipment includes (from right to left):
  • A cerebral oximeter to check for brain oxygen sat.
  • A ventilator
  • Patient monitoring system (previously existing)
  • Bed and warmer (previously existing)
  • 10 syringe pumps to administer drugs and blood (they are returning some of her own blood back since she needed a transfusion as part of the bypass process during surgery).
Here is a video post-surgery:

1 comment:

  1. She is beautiful... Hope she's having sweet dreams! God bless the nurses and doctors who do all this, it's unbelievable.
